Friday, February 24, 2012

If, as Harry Reid said Monday, FEMA is broke, why did he not allow the Senate to vote on the bill?

So I guess this is Harry Reid and the democrats PLAYING POLITICS with an emergency aid bill, right libs? Apparently they didn't like the fact that this bill had the cuts to pay for it, so they refused to allow a vote on it.

Look at this Harry Reid quote from this week on the NEED for QUICK action on this bill: “The agency that rushes to help when disaster strikes will run out of money on Monday. I repeat, Monday,” he said Wednesday as he was pushing for quick action.

Apparently, a high dollar FUNDRAISER this weekend, and....surprise! No urgency now, right?

Who else thinks people like Reid NEED TO GO?


“Harry Reid is holding a bill up with full funding for what is needed right now for no reason — for no reason but for politics,” said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Virginia Republican. “This is why the people just don’t have the respect for this institution and this town anymore.”

But the Senate, led by Democrats and joined by some conservative Republicans, tabled that measure, 59-36.

Instead, Mr. Reid has called for a Monday vote on a new bill he wrote to accept the House-passed FEMA funding level, but to tack the additional spending onto the deficit rather than find cuts elsewhere.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, Republicans’ leader in the chamber, tried to speed the vote up to Friday afternoon, but Mr. Reid objected, saying he wanted the cooling-off period.

Senate Democrats also have a major campaign event to raise money from high-dollar donors at the luxurious Kiawah Island in South Carolina this weekend.

Earlier this week Mr. Reid was adamant that FEMA’s account was on the brink.

“The agency that rushes to help when disaster strikes will run out of money on Monday. I repeat, Monday,” he said Wednesday as he was pushing for quick action.

ON TOP OF THAT Harry Reid NOW has decided we should DEFICIT SPEND to pay for this, rather than make cuts to pay for it...Sounds like Reid is all about fiscal responsibility, right?

Quote: Instead, Mr. Reid has called for a Monday vote on a new bill he wrote to accept the House-passed FEMA funding level, but to tack the additional spending onto the deficit rather than find cuts elsewhere.…

And they wonder why people hate congress?If, as Harry Reid said Monday, FEMA is broke, why did he not allow the Senate to vote on the bill?
it is broke because it has become encumbered by homeland security,and destroyed fema
Because, as he has said all along, he would like a long term solution instead of yet another short term fix that will require yet another fight in a few months.If, as Harry Reid said Monday, FEMA is broke, why did he not allow the Senate to vote on the bill?
Harry Reid declared the bill Dead On Arrival because it paid for the additional FEMA funds by reducing funding for green energy jobs like Solyndra.

The Democrats are in favor of many more Solyndras
reid is in the senate--not th congress. Reid TABLED SEVERAL BILLS that came out of the congress regarding the deficit. Reid TABLED the balance budget amendment PASSED in the congress. Reid has tabled obamacare repeal from the congress. Reid, is the ONE MAN that has totally stopped any bills from being passed.

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