Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This year, In November, I am turning 13, and I am not sure what to do. I am not a girly girl, so, make-up and manicures are out of the question. One of my bestfriends is a boy so I want to do something that he would like too. I know jack-diddly about sports and I do like dolphins. So far, I thought of taking 3-4 friends to New York or a few friends to the Baltimore Aquarium for their spend the night in the aquarium program, but my guest list exceeds my spending limits. Also, I have thought about having a dance prty, but my grandmother doesn't like the idea. I also have thought about skating, bowling and things like that but I've done that before. I have 18 people on my list. WHAT SHOULD I DO???WHAT SHOULD I DO FOR MY 13th BIRTHDAY??!?!?!?
Regardless of what you have done before, The party should be about having fun with friends, Skating and bowling are both great ideas. Get the birthday package at either place and enjoy your time with all your friends together.

At your age, I realize that you may not equate fun without spending a large amount of money, but trust me, it can be done and generally speaking, the amount of cost does not guarantee a particular level of return.

You may also want to consider a pizza party at chucky cheese or some such place. If I were involved in the fun and games, I would commandeer the ski-ball, then harrass the big mouse if somebody were in the suit.

Congrats on the birthday! The next 5 years are going to be some of the most magical for you when you look back with the eye of age (and hopefully wisdom)
Enjoy it! Then wait for your 14th.WHAT SHOULD I DO FOR MY 13th BIRTHDAY??!?!?!?
i think you should just have a party at your house and a sleepover for the girls.
Do whatever you want. Just make sure it is OK with your guardian/parent. You seem kind of old to be having a birthday party so I suggest taking 3 or 4 of your friends out someplace (maybe New York, as you said).

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