Friday, February 24, 2012

Why do zookeepers....???

Y do zoo keepers get paid so poorly?I know the average income depends on where you work but.....from what i have been reading the average income for most zoos is 24-30,000 US dollars per year!(Not a lot)! What can i or anyone else that wants to be a zookeeper do to convince the zoo or a high authority to raise the pay? Does anyone know how much the Pittsburgh zoo and the Australia zoo pay a zoo keeper? I call those places and they said it was confidential ! Maybe you guys know someone that works at one of those places...please help me out!!!!Why do zookeepers....???
These jobs don't pay a lot because they don't HAVE to..there are plenty of people willing to do this kind of work for barely nothing. Some people do this type of work voluntarily. These jobs are highly competitive, so there are always plenty of candidates willing to do this work at a cheaper rate than the next.

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