Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is it legal to adopt and own a shark?

Okay, so my friend and I are thinking about renting out someone's house or something (when out of high school, ready for college) and I was just wondering if anyone knew if we could Legally adopt/own a shark...like not a Tiger or Great White or Black Tip...like a Dogfish, Bay, or something along those lines. We are gonna apply for jobs at the Baltimore Aquarium...when we are old enough. Does anyone know if it's illegal or not to own a shark and if so, WHERE DO WE GET ONE!?Is it legal to adopt and own a shark?
Not sure about the legality, but most sharks are unable to survive very long in captivity. Here's some great shark info: http://www.the-shark-side-of-life.com/
There are people who own small sharks. Be aware that even small sharks need HUGE tanks. Expect to shell out probably somewhere around $50,000 for a suitable habitat. The shark itself would be purchased from one of several companies that sell them, and would cost at least a couple thousand, plus transport. Upkeep on tanks that size is very expensive as well. Basically, as a college student, there is absolutely no way you could afford it unless you have filthy rich parents who enjoy giving you large sums of money. Also, no one renting out a house would allow a shark tank to be installed unless they are idiots. If it were to spring a leak, that much salt water would ruin the entire home. Plus, to support that kind of weight requires a certain type of foundation (basically solid concrete).Is it legal to adopt and own a shark?
It's perfectly legal and because Baltimore is on the water you ahold find more aquarium stores than an inland place but you should do research
Of course!, you just need to rent a boat and go fish it for yourself, good luck! muahahahahahaha

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